students were sitting on sofa talking to each other

住房 & Residential Life

Residential life is an integral part of the total educational experience. The residential life program at Marist is based upon the philosophy of providing students with a safe, 健康的, and attractive living environment that supports and supplements the educational mission of the College. Marist provides housing for over 3,300 undergraduate students in corridor, 套件, 公寓, and townhouse-style residences.

Image of students interacting in lounge.

Marist students rate Marist in the Top 25 among multiple categories, including top dorms, happiest students, and students who love their college, as reported by The Princeton Review's 指南 The Best 388 Colleges 2024年. This distinction was earned based on students’ answers to the survey questions, “How do you rate residence halls/on-campus housing?” and if they are both independently happy and satisfied with their school.  在圣母, student life is distinguished as being both vibrant and picturesque, with everything from Division I athletics, 希腊的生活, community service – and direct access to the Hudson River.


As students move from first to senior year, they are housed in more independent living environments (套件-style, 联排别墅, and 公寓s) which helps to prepare them for their eventual move out into the world following graduation. 一路走来, they acquire certain freedoms and responsibilities that will help them develop into mature and responsible citizens. Every residence hall on campus is equipped with highly-trained staff all qualified and excited to make each student's living experience at Marist the best it can be.